~ ALL HONKed OUT !! *
2. Mai 2009 von Whitney
We are….why aren´t they?
Just how many HONKS does a HORN have?
That´s exactly what we noticed the minute we took our first taxi ride from the airport into Delhi. Is it music to their ears? Its absolutely noise pollution to ours—There´s a definite difference in how ONE uses their HORNS here compared to Canada or Germany. It´s considered a courtesty here…”I´ll just honk the whole time I drive, so all the millions of other drivers and pedestrians know that I´m driving and then turning and then stopping and NOW accelerating (better Honk double speed..and I better hit the HORN harder so that its nice and loud) ..I am a really great driver..my car and I are going places together!”
I´m not a huge super fan of the HONK—especially as an alarm clock at 5 am outside of The Royal Holidays Hotel…or is it The Royal Honk Hotel?
We´ve quickly learned to qlench our butt cheeks together the second we hear a HONK—Thanks to Hamburg´s Bike Autobahns, I am well trained for a quick response!! Sooooo on the tip of my cultural learning curve—maybe we shouldn´t be so rushed into insult mode when we hear the rubbernecker behind us HONKING….just imagine, perhaps he is from Delhi!…Just smile and wave…and not with your middle finger (-; …HAPPY HONKING!!
also der josi, das ist ein checker!! der hat mir erstmal gerade gezeigt, wie und wo ich euch schreiben kann – auf dieser tollen seite! somit hat sich meine frage an euch via email erledigt.
wir sind gerade in PH, die jungs bauen ein haus (!!) für die autos und die mädels trinken bowle 🙂 heute ist vatertag!
küsse von uns allen,